Saturday, March 10, 2012

Exhibit #93: Crazy-Assed Drinks pt. 43

In other words, business as usual.

12 Miles Out $13
It’s a double, with high quality spirits. Equal parts light rum, Swedish punsch, and calvados (French apple brandy), up with an orange twist. Think of it as the debonair cousin to last week’s Earthquake Cocktail. The name refers to the limit of US territorial jurisdiction – during Prohibition, those who could afford to would take day drinking cruises out past the 12 mile marker.

Coronation ‘37 $8
This drink commemorated George VI’s coronation festivities after his brother Edward abdicated in order to marry divorced American socialite Wallis Simpson. Equal parts dry gin, light rum, curacao, and lemon juice, up. Very similar to the ever-popular Between the Sheets – same ingredients, different proportions.

Golden Gate $7
1 part gin to 3 parts orange ice. Although the drink is shaken, no additional ice is used, which renders a thicker, juicier texture than would otherwise be possible. Served in a rocks glass, with some of the orange ice remaining solid. A gin slushy!

Kingston Cocktail $9
Dark Jamaican rum, kummel (caraway, fennel & cumin liqueur), orange juice, and a dash of allspice dram, up. Truly unique and delicious.

Marmalade Cocktail $25 serves 4
From the old Savoy book, as per the original recipe for a group of 4 people: dry gin, lemon juice, and orange marmalade, up. Yes, there is actual marmalade in it!

Mikado Cocktail $9
Cognac dashed with Angostura, Grand Marnier, crème de noyaux, and orgeat, up. A tasty exotic, with cognac making a nice canvas for the shadings of orange and almond.

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